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NO. Natural Ultimate CBD products do not contain THC, the part of marijuana plant that gets you high. The health inducing properties of the plant are called a cannabinoids. (HEMP).
You will never have to worry about our products and drug testing. Our Pain Creams, lotions, and our high strength Hemp oil products are designed for law enforcement, military, CDL license holders, pilots and anyone who worries about being randomly tested. Stop worrying, we have you covered. Every product we sell has a lot number and batch number on it. There is no way anything can slip in and cause a positive test result. If you ever fail a drug test, it wasn’t because of us. This is watched by the FDA and we have all of our products frequently lab tested, both by us and by independent labs to ensure that what you see is what you get.
NO. Natural Ultimate CBD products do not contain THC, the part of marijuana plant that gets you high. The health inducing properties of the plant are called a cannabinoids. (HEMP).
You will never have to worry about our products and drug testing. Our Pain Creams, lotions, and our high strength Hemp oil products are designed for law enforcement, military, CDL license holders, pilots and anyone who worries about being randomly tested. Stop worrying, we have you covered. Every product we sell has a lot number and batch number on it. There is no way anything can slip in and cause a positive test result. If you ever fail a drug test, it wasn’t because of us. This is watched by the FDA and we have all of our products frequently lab tested, both by us and by independent labs to ensure that what you see is what you get.

Absolutely not. Period. You will never get “high” from our products. Hemp does not contain THC. It is impossible to get high from Natural Ultimate CBD because all of our products are made from hemp, not marijuana.

Let us explain. Are there Hemp products that have THC in them? I’m sure you have seen reports about strains of marijuana like Charlotte’s Web and CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Can you buy that? Yes, but you have to get them in Medical / Recreational Marijuana stores in states where it is legal. We are in Colorado and we at the forefront of this legislation. You would have to obtain a Medical marijuana license to purchase them legally. The hemp plant and the marijuana plant are very similar as they are both a member of the cannabis family, yet they are very different. There is almost an infinite number of strains. It is very much the same as roses. There are many different colors and styles and different degrees of variation. Is there any THC in our products? Yes, but the amount is so small we do not have to register it. We are at .03%. (That’s 3/100 of 1 percent) Think of non-alcoholic beer and wine. Is there alcohol in them? Absolutely, but just like us the amount is so small it is virtually undetectable.

There is a BIG difference between regular hemp oil and our Hemp oil. Our industrial hemp strain is specifically grown to have a spike registering a high strain of Hemp. Standard Hemp oil is like olive oil, but from hemp. What is the difference between the two?

Let’s start with the basics. If you grow low grade hemp, you should make a rope, a bag or a T-shirt. It’s worthless to us. We ONLY deal in high grade and ultra high grade hemp. We are not here to get anyone high. You can find that easily enough on your own. We are here to help people. Let me further explain: Hemp oil can be used as an ingredient in cooking, used to make plastic, paper, paint, biofuel, and serves numerous medical purposes. Please poke around and learn more. We stand behind our products.

CBD can come from the stem of a marijuana plant or hemp plant. But just because it can come from a hemp plant doesn’t mean it is the same as CBD oil. Using scientific “evolution” of the plant, we are able to raise the CBD and lower the THC.

The CBD used in our creams, lotions and tincture products comes from cold pressed industrial hemp, legally grown and imported. Hemp is legal to “grow” in many nations including ours, but currently only in selective states in the USA. The HEMP is extracted using the most modern extraction processes available. Extremely complex and expensive equipment is used to extract the THC from the high HEMP extract. Thus, our HEMP extract has no THC. The high HEMP content oil is then imported legally into the USA. It is manufactured in our state of the art modern lab, here in the US. We follow all USA government standards in producing our tincture, cream and powdered product.

We wanted to inform you that we are currently transitioning to a new credit card processing system. While this change is underway, we are still here to serve you and fulfill your orders.

If you’d like to place an order, please contact us directly so we can assist you promptly. You can reach us at 724-968-0831 or

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.