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Delta 9 FAQ’s

The neurotransmitters relseased are dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters are also known as “happy hormones”.

Meet Hemp-derived Delta-9 THC. The 2018 Farm bill that legalized hemp created a loophole for an unregulated copycat of marijuana. A form of Delta 9 THC – the psychoactive substance in pot – doesn’t face the same laws and regulations as marijuana because it comes from hemp.

Whether you’re consuming Delta-9 THC from your local dispensary or online, the cannabinoids metabolize into the same THC metabolites in your body. That means consuming any amount of any THC can cause you to fail a test. The legal limit is 0.3% Delta-9 THC in a CBD or Hemp-derived product.

Delta-9 is a type of cannabis. It gets its name from the fact that it has 9 THC molecules. Unlike CBD, delta 9 THC is psychoactive, which means it can make you feel high. Cannabis plants contain many different cannabinoids, and each one has its effects.

Every State BUT Washington State.

We wanted to inform you that we are currently transitioning to a new credit card processing system. While this change is underway, we are still here to serve you and fulfill your orders.

If you’d like to place an order, please contact us directly so we can assist you promptly. You can reach us at 724-968-0831 or

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.