CBD Daily Capsules


Made with our same high strain CBD Oil that is the start of all of our cannabidiol products. 120 high strain capsules in every bottle, that’s a 2 month supply of quality capsules.  The perfect way to maintain and/or level off your cannabidiol intake. All of our products are concentrated, 1000mg of cannabidiol rich cannabis extract. No THC. Legal to ship in all 50 States. No drug test worries. Fast acting.

This product complies with all FDA standards and is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or maintain any ailments or diseases in accordance with FDA guidelines.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

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Natural Ultimate CBD Daily Capsules. You requested it, we made it. Made with our same high strain

Natural Ultimate CBD Daily Capsules, made with our same high strain oil that is the start of all of our products. 120 high strain capsules in every bottle, that’s a 2 month supply of quality capsules. A great way to maintain and/or level off your intake. All of our products are concentrated, 1000mg of rich hemp extract. Made from high-grade hemp. Our CBD capsules are specifically designed for fast absorption. If you are the person who takes a daily supplement, this is the product for you.

No marijuana, just high quality. No THC. No drug test worries. Legal to ship to all 50 states. We manufacture the finest products available. At Natural Ultimate CBD, we guarantee ALL of our products, which is why we test them in the lab, not once, not twice, but three times.  

After meeting our rigorous standards, each product is then assigned a lot number, which can then be cross-referenced with every batch.

Our hemp is imported from the finest fields on earth. 

We do not use alcohol in our extraction process. Our hemp oil is organic, extra virgin. Our CBD Oil is a blend of pure extra virgin hemp oil. It’s the best in the business. Compare our strength to any on the market and you’ll see why we are one of the most respected companies in the industry.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product above is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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Weight 10 oz


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